Licence Specific Questions
What is an administrator and what are their rights?
The administrator, or admin, of your Certifeye Wallet can access the account and perform the same actions as you – the owner. A person in that role will be able to upload and update your documents and receive emails from Certifeye, including requests for documents and notifications about your account. It is possible to completely outsource your activity on Certifeye Wallet using this role.
If you wish, you can give this role to another person, an external agency or to the organisation that invited you to the platform.
You can revoke the administrator rights of any additional user at any time in the Settings tab at The administrator cannot remove your rights at any point. However, if your chosen administrator resigns, you will automatically be informed via email.
Keep in mind that you do not have to appoint an administrator to use your Certifeye account.
What are the rights of a Wallet owner?
As the owner, you are the only one that can activate the account and request to close it. You can edit the documents that you upload in Certifeye Wallet and select their privacy settings. You decide who can take the role of administrator to manage the requirements in your name, and can easily remove any administrator you appointed.
What does it mean when a document is Public?
When you decide to set a document to Public status, Certifeye users can immediately view and link it to their administration. You will not need to confirm this connection, and users will instantly receive any updates you upload to the subscribed documents. Keep in mind that any file you upload publicly might be downloaded immediately by users and non-users alike.
Additionally, sharing your documents and certificates on your Certifeye Wallet Public Profile is a great way to promote your business. Show your (potential) clients why you’re the strongest supplier in the desired niche.
What does it mean when a document is Private?
If you set the document status to Private, only the account owner and the administrator can view the file. Nobody else has access to it until you decide to share the document by sending a link or by answering a request sent to you. Once the file has been shared, the recipient can download a copy and/or subscribe to it.
Whenever you renew this document in your own Certifeye Wallet, the subscriber will be notified and will receive an update. If you want to share a Private document with someone without a Certifeye account, a link will have to be provided for each new version of the file.
General Data Security Questions
Who owns my data?
It is your data – you are in control at all times. We only use your data in order to provide our service. Certifeye Wallet profiles can be browsed by other Certifeye users and may include information like email address, full name, company name, and company address. You always have the right to access, review, and withdraw your personal details used for registering the account. We will remove these details at your request sent to Again: It is your data – You are always in control.
What kind of data can be stored in the Certifeye application and in what way can it be accessed?
Certifeye allows you to store and share certificates and compliance documents. These documents can consist of any file type, although we strongly recommend .pdf for optimal accessibility on all devices. You have full control over the information you choose to share and can monitor the validity of these documents. You can also make your certificates publicly accessible or share them with specific parties via Certifeye.
What data is collected, and how is our data protected and kept private?
Certifeye collects data necessary for the proper functioning of the application. You have full control over the data you choose to share, and Certifeye does not disclose any data to third parties without your consent. We implement various security measures, such as access control, data transport monitoring, data availability control, and data separation protocols, to protect and keep your data private.
General digital and physical protection
Our data services on Microsoft Azure servers are safeguarded, and Microsoft takes responsibility for their security. The servers have excellent availability under normal circumstances. We use SSL connections and 2-factor authentication logins to protect the Certifeye software.
Protection from individuals
Access to your data is granted to the Certifeye platform administrator and strictly selected staff bound by the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), as well as your company account users. You can also share your data with business partners on and off the platform using the product functionalities.
Protection from other users
The data resides in a shared database and is accessed based on multiple keys required for each query, including the account ID. The application verifies that the data being displayed belongs specifically to you, ensuring data isolation from other customers.
Protection from third parties
Your account data is stored on Microsoft Azure servers in the Western Europe region, including the Netherlands and/or Ireland. We have a data processing agreement in place with its developer: Microsoft Corporation, ensuring that your data is handled in accordance with EU/EEA data protection standards. Additionally, Certifeye uses the SendGrid platform as a sub-processor for the transactional and marketing emails. Read more on Sendgrid’s website.
We also manage your contact details for billing purposes using the accountancy software from Exact Netherlands B.V. Read about Exact’s data security here. Finally, you can read more about our use of personal data in our Privacy Notice.
What is the retention policy regarding my data?
The data is retained as long as your company account exists within the Certifeye application. When you terminate your agreement with Certifeye, we ensure that all personal and business data processed in your account is permanently removed within 3 months. The data is made inaccessible and cannot be used anymore by anyone, including our team and yourself.
What is the backup frequency of data stored on Certifeye?
Backups are performed every 10 minutes to ensure the safety and availability of your data. If you have detailed questions about data retention, please contact us at
Can I export data from Certifeye?
You can export all your data to an Excel file with just one click of a button.
Some interesting facts
Certifeye is part of QIMS Holding B.V., the parent company of ManualMaster. We are a Dutch company that has been supplying quality management software for more than 25 years.
Certifeye was created to meet the need of many ManualMaster users for an efficient way to manage the certificates from their suppliers and customers.
Quality and Information Management Support D3 b.v.
Trading under the name Certifeye
VAT : NL807158823B01
Chamber of Commerce No: 23089234
De Wederik 4
3355 SK Papendrecht
The Netherlands