Afriflora links with the Certifeye Wallet on the website.

Sustainability has been the core value of Afriflora Sher since it was founded in 2005. The roses traded by Afriflora Sher are produced at the nurseries in Ethiopia. Afriflora has a keen eye on issues such as farming quality, the environment and social conditions. This is proven by 11 certificates recognized worldwide.


Managing these certificates and, above all, showing them to customers was precisely the reason why Afriflora decided to use the Certifeye Wallet. “You can easily update your certificates and share them with your customers. We have placed a link to the Wallet on our website. ” Said Aswin Endeman, Business Support & CSR Manager of Afriflora. Interested parties can see an overview of the certificates with date of expiration via the link. The documents can also be downloaded on request.


There are now hundreds of Certifeye Wallets used by growers. Afriflora is the first party to arrange access to those certificates via its own website. “It is very easy”, Aswin continues, “Just leave a link to the Wallet on your website and then the rest is automated”. Customers can subscribe to the certificates. It saves a lot of e-mail traffic normally devoted to providing the documentation. “When a certificate expires, we add a new version and all subscribers are immediately informed. Perfect!”


Certifeye introduced the Certifeye Wallet to bridge the gap between growers and trading companies and to reduce the administrative burden of certificate management as much as possible. A conscious decision was made to make the Wallet available to suppliers free of charge. “The number of users on both sides: growers and traders is getting higher day by day. Our aim is to organize the process as efficiently and affordably as possible for all parties involved ”, according to Marlies Verbruggen of Certifeye.


Want to take a look at Afriflora’s Certifeye Wallet? Visit this page:

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