Sustainability is our top priority
We are ready for it. When it comes to sustainability, the expectations in the food, flowers, flower bulbs as well as plant sector are continuously rising. This creates various demands throughout entire supply chains, which in turn requires mutual communication, coordination, and safeguarding of made agreements. The call for verifiability through certification is now aimed at growers and it is increasing, just like the number of different certificates required to demonstrate the sustainability and high quality of your organization.
Certifeye has become focused on the side issue of the main task. The problem is the administrative burden that collective communication in the chain entails. Everyone wants to see everyone’s certificates to subsequently show them to their own customers. Back in 2012, we found this could be easier, and made it happen in 2017. By simply connecting parties with each other and allowing them to decide which information they would like to share, a large part of the administrative side-tasks is eliminated.
Producers can benefit from the Certifeye Wallet free of charge. This tool makes it possible to easily store your certificates and other relevant documents. You can share them with either anyone who is interested or with a specific customer or relation. If such a document changes because you have been re-certified, then all your customers are immediately informed.
With more trading companies using Certifeye, the network in which parties can exchange data with each other is becoming more efficient. Sustainability in the supply chain thus becomes easy to trace. The privacy of data remains fully guaranteed because you decide what you do and do not share.
As Certifeye also enables certification bodies to send issued documents directly to the farmer on the Certifeye platform, even more work gets eliminated. Our estimate is that it now takes a grower up to 30 minutes a year to keep their customers well informed. It makes the side –task of having to mail and share each and every certificate a thing of the past. Half an hour a year and you are done.